"A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; And a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:" Proverbs 1:5

  • Matthew 5:7

    Matthew 5:7

    Dear God,   I confess that sometimes it’s difficult for me to show mercy to others. I can be quick to judge, and slow to forgive. But I know that you have shown me great mercy and grace, and that I am called to do the same for others. So today, I pray that you…

  • Matthew 5:4

    Matthew 5:4

    Dear God,   I pray that you would comfort me in this time of sorrow. I know that you are a God of compassion and mercy, and that you are close to the brokenhearted. Help me to feel your presence with me, and to find peace in the midst of my pain. Give me the…

  • Mark 11:24

    Mark 11:24

    Dear God,  I confess that sometimes my faith is weak, and I struggle to believe that you can answer my prayers. But I know that you are a God of miracles, and that nothing is impossible for you. So today, I choose to put my trust in you, and to believe that you will answer…

  • Luke 14:27

    Luke 14:27

    Dear God, Help me to understand the meaning of taking up my own cross and following you. I ask for your strength to bear the challenges that come with living a life dedicated to you, to deny my own desires, and to put your will first in everything I do.  May I never forget the…

  • John 15:13

    John 15:13

    Dear Lord,  Jesus’ life redeemed us from our sins. I thank you for this ultimate example of love. Help me learn from your ways and love like you love us. I pray that you help me love others with this same degree of selflessness and sacrifice. Help me to put the needs of others before…

  • 2 Corinthians 5:7

    Dear God, I feel alone and abandoned. Today I sit in dark and it feels as if there will be no tomorrow. Remind me oh Lord that faith is not believing in You only in light, but also in dark. That through this darkness, You are with me. That even though I couldn’t see You,…

  • 1 John 5:3

    1 John 5:3

    Dear Lord,  Help me to  understand, keep, and obey  your commands with joy and never as a burden. I pray for  wisdom and strength to follow your will in my life and to resist the pull of the earthly world. The bad may try to lead me away from you, but may your words guide …

  • 1 Corinthians 16:14

    Dear Lord,  I thank you for the love you have for me. May my heart soak in that love that all things I do will mirror love… will mirror you. Show me how I can show love to my neighbors with my words and my actions. And together we may rejoice in the blessings that…